Just a quick one. Been trying to get a decent PHP linter without going to a full on IDE – decided to just stick with Sublime Text.
In order to get some linters, and packages working, Sublime Text needs usr/local/bin to be in your path, and to know your path.
I'm using Sublime Linter with SublimeLinter-php.
You can check what's in your path by typing the following into your terminal.
echo $PATH
Some commands run by Sublime Text are unable to find non-system binaries, including those installed by homebrew and MacPorts if you're not launching from the terminal with
$ subl
Note: To launch Sublime Text from your terminal, you'll need to set it with:
sudo ln -s "/Applications/Sublime Text.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl" ~/bin/subl
Anywho, I fixed the issue by adding the following in user preferences.
(Sublime Text > Preferences > Settings - User)
"additional_path_items": ["~/usr/local/bin"],
You can even add other paths such as \\~Desktop or \\~/usr/bin, just separate it out with a comma like this:
"additional_path_items": ["~/usr/local/bin", "~/wherever"],
Many thanks to int3h's repo and notes over on GitHub